Math Teacher Mom and Engineer Dad Create Magical Wall Murals for their Children

by Stephanie Goins on January 28, 2015

Jungle Safari Wall MuralPrincess Room Mural

If there is one thing we wish for our customers using My Wonderful Walls kids wall mural products it is that we want parents to feel like rock stars when they create a room mural. Our wall stencil kits and wall decals make it easy to install a unique, beautiful wall mural in a matter of hours and give even the most novice painter or home improver the feeling of being an artist! We were delighted to hear from Amy and Matt in the United Kingdom (Surrey to be exact) about their experiences using our wall stencil kits to create two different rooms. Here is more on their projects:

My Wonderful Walls: What product(s) did you purchase?
Amy: Princess pack of stencils and jungle stencil pack

MWW: Who were these murals intended for?
Amy: Josephine and James, who were 3 and 2 at the time.

MWW: Tell us a little about why you choose this theme and/or how is this mural a good fit for their personality and interests?
Amy: Our daughter was very keen on princesses, and our son loves animals.

MWW: What were the children’s’ reactions to the wall mural when they first saw them?
Amy: Both children took a little while to warm to their room, they couldn't quite see the fuss. They are now very keen to show anyone, friends, family other mums their rooms because they enjoy the reaction and being told how lucky they are. They love them, our son likes sleeping with the monkeys every night and our daughter has 'yellow' hair just like her princess.

MWW: Do your kids ever make up stories or create imaginary games involving the characters/scenes on their walls? If so, can you tell us about some of them?
Amy: My daughter often makes up stories about the princes and we have her on video camera showing us the room and telling us all about it. Our son just names all the animals.

MWW: Why did you choose stencils over stickers?
Amy: My husband felt stickers would damage the walls and as we'd just had the extension built, the walls are freshly plastered so we were keen not to spoil the plaster.

MWW: How long did it take you to complete the project?
Amy: 24 hours for non-stop stenciling

MWW: Describe your artistic comfort level.
Amy: Mine is 0, I was restricted to doing the eyes, giraffe and sticking the lines on the zebra and spots on the giraffe - I was better at putting the stencils on. Matt is rather good, clearly, about a 7? He enjoys doing creative things and they always turn out well but is a complete novice.

MWW: What did you enjoy about the wall mural creation experience? Was it what you had expected?
Amy: It was quicker than we expected! You just need lots of brushes. We enjoy how much the children enjoy it now, at the time we were re decorating the whole house, 11 rooms so wondered if we'd taken on too much.

MWW: Did you add any personal touches to the standard wall mural you received?
Amy: Matt drew the monkey swinging line free hand but everything we used was in the packs.

MWW: Do you have a favorite piece or favorite scene you created?
Amy: I love them all!

MWW: Do you have any helpful tips for people who use our products?
Amy: Buy lots of brushes it saves so much time cleaning and washing, we bought 3 packs for 2 rooms worth of stencils. Also, the background color doesn't have to be too perfect but keep some back, we found that occasionally the stencil peeled a little of the background paint off, keeping some paint back meant we could quickly touch up. Colors don't have to match completely but take time to check you have alternatives for all colors, we used Dulux mix your own paint for our background colors.  And when putting the stencils on, I found working from the back lining up accurately before spreading it worked best.

MWW: Did you utilize any or all of the resources on our website (how-to videos, virtual mural maker, photos)? Did you find these useful?
Amy: Yes we watched the how to videos and knowing to dab and not brush to stop bleeding was really useful.

Amy told us that as a math teacher with a husband who’s an engineer, they don’t consider mural making their forte but are so pleased with how the rooms turned out and consider them worth the effort of doing it themselves. If you’d like help creating a masterpiece for your children or yourself, check out our stencil kits, individual stencils and wall decals. With an ever growing line of wall decals perfect for grown up spaces, we think you’ll find something for everyone in your family.

Wild Jungle Room MuralPrincess Girls Room Mural


Blog post written by Tara.