Three Great Wall Murals for Three Daughters in MI

by Stephanie Goins on August 11, 2014

Sisters enjoying their new wall murals


Melissa shared with us the pictures of the wonderful new bedroom mural she created for Claire, age 3 ½ at the time and the polka dot nursery mural she painted for newborn twins, Zoey and Alice. This wasn’t Melissa’s first visit to My Wonderful Walls however. She started with a Forest Friends Wall Stencil Kit when Claire was an infant. She loved the forest mural and especially the big trees and bunnies they created in Claire’s nursery.  When the family moved out of their old house and had to paint over Claire’s forest mural it was devastating. Claire, now age 3, wanted a new fairy and flower room, so when they moved that is what she got! Polka dots were any easy choice for the twins as mom to be was painting that nursery mural while she was 8 months pregnant. We love having been a part of two homes and three different looks for this family!

Fairy Wall MuralHaving had a great experience with the Forest Friends Stencil Kit, Melissa was ready to tackle another mural. In fact this crafty mom of 3 was pretty ambitious, having moved into their new house two months before the twins were due and needing to paint the entire house. With the fairy stencils, Melissa says she and friend Laura were a little challenged with the bigger stencils. Instead of giving up though, she used elements from the forest friends stencil kit to replace some of the pieces in the fairy mural kit. She kept the fairies white and the base was a light pink for a very subtle look. When Claire saw her new room she exclaimed “This is my room!?” and enjoys showing it off to friends and family. 

Polka Dot StencilsThen it was time to tackle the nursery mural with the polka dot stencils. Melissa tells us it took a little longer than expected. She learned (the hard way) to let the paint on one set dry before trying to add a different color. But she tells us baby wipes are great for clean-up. The one thing Melissa would change about the whole mural making experience? Not trying to do it while pregnant with twins! 

We had to laugh when we read how Melissa described herself.  She wrote, “I'm so crafty I make twins! I like cheese and Indian food and sitting outside in the sweet sunshine! I’m tall, (really tall) I play volleyball, I'm a travel agent. I play trivia. I hate celery. I can change two diapers in less than 3 minutes.”  Bet that last talent is being put to good use these days! 

Thanks Melissa for letting us know what you thought of our wall mural kits and sharing the great pics of the family and the rooms you created for them. We hope the girls will have years of wonderful memories in their special rooms you’ve painted for them. 


Forest Themed NurseryForest Wall Mural

Sisters All Get New Rooms

 Polka Dot Wall Mural for Nursery

Fairy Girls Bedroom